A Bible for the true outdoorsman: Just how durable is a waterproof Bible?


Once upon a time, there existed such a thing as an “unbreakable” comb. These creations were plastic, used typically for promotional items and printed across them in bold print was the word “Unbreakable.”


Yet that statement decades ago to a young, curious boy like myself became more a challenge than anything else. Just how truly unbreakable could a plastic comb actually be? My friends and I would stock pile these combs and then took turns bending, twisting and smashing them to see how truly unbreakable they were. We were the mythbusters of the 1980s.

Well, it turned out that unbreakable plastic combs were only unbreakable to a point. Twist them enough and they’d eventually snap. The “unbreakable” myth was busted.


As I was recently preparing to head to a Wesleyan kids camp in western Pennsylvania, I decided I wanted a new bible to take along … something durable to withstand the elements while still channeling my love of outdoorsy themes.

Some online searches led me to the NIV Waterproof Bible produced with synthetic pages that were advertised as stain resistant, ultra clear in text and ideal for a back pack. The reviews were all very positive. On the cover, in an orange seal of approval, the publishers of the Bible (Bardin & Marsee) boldly suggested that this book was “waterproof inside and out” and “100 percent worry free.”

Usually, things that sound too good to be true typically are — and I couldn’t stop thinking of those supposedly unbreakable combs. However, the coolness of a waterproof Bible was too much to pass up, so I had a local Christian Book Store order one in and I ponied up for the experience.

Now, tearing apart a mostly worthless plastic comb is completely different than potentially damaging God’s word. I didn’t plan to put the Bible though the full gamut of potential water-related tragedies out of respect, but I did find it impossible to resist at least trying a few tests of its true waterproofness.

So I opened it up and dropped a few drips from a measuring spoon onto its bright white pages. And amazingly, the water simply beaded up. I left the water on the page for a good while, wondering if it would eventually soak in or leave at least a light mark.

But the Waterproof Bible stood true to its word. Not only did it pass my various water tests with flying colors, but held up well during a week of rigorous usage at camp.

For those who love being outdoors and want to take God’s word with you for some reading in the treestand, in between reeling in a few bass at the local lake or backpacking deep into the countryside, this Bible is really for you.

For more about it, check out this link — which includes a video of some more rigorous testing, including fully submerging the Bible in a tub of water with no adverse affects. The cover price runs between $32 and $44 depending on where you purchase it — and it is worth every penny for the true outdoorsman.

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