These pickled eggs pack a powerful punch


Warmer weather means picnics will soon be on the way.
One of my favorite foods at a picnic is pickled eggs. I have fond memories of picnics with my parents and my mother frequently had pickled eggs at these events.
I have tried several recipes, but in an attempt to come up with one that had a little more bite, I created the one below.
This is not an overly hot recipe, and most of my taste testers thought it had just the right bite. I do have to admit that even though the eggs are the featured item, the red beets stole the show.
The red beets seem to absorb the jalapeno heat and some of the sweetness from the sugar for a nice sweet-hot flavor.
If you want the eggs to absorb the color all the way to the yolk, let them sit in the refrigerator for four days.
I recommend eating a bit of red beet followed by egg for the best experience.
If you want to have a little different pickled egg for your next picnic, make these four to five days beforehand and you will definitely have a crowd pleaser. Enjoy!

Jalapeno Pickled Eggs and Beets
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Ready in: 4 days
12 eggs
1 (15 oz.) can of sliced or cut red beets
1 1/2 c. white vinegar
½ c. Pompeian brand Jalapeno Red Wine vinegar
¼ c. white sugar
1 c. water
4 whole jalapenos-sliced ¼” thick
1. To cook the eggs, place in a stock pot and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil and immediately remove the pot from the heat. Cover the pot and allow the eggs to sit for 10-12 minutes. Remove the eggs from the pot and place into a bowl with cold water. Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes and then peel the eggs while the egg is in the water. Place the eggs in a glass jar or plastic container that you can seal with a lid.
2. In a sauce pan, add the beets with juice, vinegars, water and sugar. Bring to a boil, add the jalapeno slices and simmer for 1 minute, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Pour this mixture over the eggs and allow to cool before adding the lid. You may want to stir the eggs, beets and jalapenos together. Place in the refrigerator for 4 days to allow the eggs to absorb the color and flavor. They will keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks-if they last that long! Enjoy!

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