Singers: Don’t fall into comparison trap … embrace your own talents


“Comparison is the No. 1 thing that will keep you from doing what God has called you to do. He has put a gift and a call and a desire in your heart that is different from anyone else’s and you are wired that way for a reason.”
— Kari Jobe

I will never forget the first time I came across this quote. It hit home with me on so many levels and opened my eyes to some things that I was allowing to hold me back.
I wonder how many of us never step out and try something new or maybe even something we believe we are called to do just because in our minds, we never measure up.
We constantly compare ourselves to other people that are doing what we dream of doing and we are “never good enough.” I know for me this was and is still a huge battle.
In the music world, there are so many incredibly talented people. People that I know full well can sing circles around me, are prettier than me, have a better stage presence than me and are just naturally gifted with things that I have to work really hard at.
For the longest time, I let these comparisons hold me back from doing what I believed God was calling me to do.
Every time I would gather up enough courage to step outside of my comfort zone, those fears and comparisons would creep up and and I found myself back at square one — the same place I had been for so long.
It wasn’t until I finally reached a point where I had to come to terms with the gifts and talents that God had given me. I am never going to step on any stage or be inside a recording booth as anyone else other than Danelle Cressinger — and that’s OK.
I am learning that I am who God created me to be. I have the giftings and the talents that He has given me to use for His glory and instead of letting my weaknesses deter me, I have decided to be real about them, come to terms with them and ultimately let God’s power be made perfect through them.
Reaching this point is not easy, it’s a daily decision I have to make in order to get over myself and be the person God has truly called me to be.
If you are reading this and find yourself scared to step out because you don’t think you have what it takes — or maybe you doubt the giftings and abilities God has given you — let me encourage you to embrace who you are and who God has created you to be.
There is no one else in the world quite like you with the exact same giftings, talents and abilities that you possess. God has a plan for each and everyone of our lives. But that plan will not just happen if we sit back and allow fear and comparison to take over.
I can definitely speak from experience that when we step out and do our part, God is faithful to do His. Don’t go through your life wondering what could have been. Take that chance, have faith in who God has created you to be and trust His plan.
Email comments and questions to Danelle Cressinger at

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